We community managers are often asked for statistics in discussion threads
or feedback forms. Several players want to know which skills they should
have with their character, or which cities are favoured by Tibia players,
and many many other things. For this reason, we have asked the product
management if they could share some database information with us, which we
would like to present you now.
Countries of Tibia Players
You might remember our recent poll Where are you from?. In this poll, the
top five countries that Tibia players come from were: Brazil, Poland,
Mexico, Sweden and the United States. According to this poll, Brazilians
and Polish players form about 50 % of the Tibia community.
According to the account registrations, the results of this poll were
pretty representative: On May 16th, 2009 there were about 1.3 million
registered Tibia accounts, of which 485,778 were registered to Brazil,
296,935 to Poland, 99,802 to Mexico, 54,446 to Sweden, and 54,221 to the
United States. So the top 5 countries of the poll and the top 5
registration countries coincide, just the percentage is a bit off.
According to account registrations, Brazil and Poland form about 60 % of
the Tibian community together.
About 1.15 million of these accounts are registered to male players. That
means that 88.5 % of all Tibia players are male. It is interesting to see
whether this is represented by the gender distribution of ingame
characters. There are currently 6.54 million characters altogether, of
which 5.38 million are male and 1.16 female. In percentage, that is a
ratio of 82 % male characters to 18 % female characters. So there is a
clear male dominance in Tibia, be it ingame, or in the community.
Who knows if this is really the truth, though? Looking at the age of Tibia
players according to the account registration, we can see that many
players do not enter correct data there. For example, 9,643 players said
that they were born in 1901, and 2,124 players claim to be only five years
old. While it is indeed possible that five-year-olds play Tibia, it is a
bit hard to believe that there are almost ten thousand Tibia players who
are already 108 years old. Usually though, when reading such data, the
average of all entries does reflect the truth. According to the account
registrations, the average age of a Tibia player is 20-21 years, and that
is not hard to believe at all. In the feedback form
Only 61,021 characters have reached the magic goal of level 100 or above
so far. Only 2,582 of these characters have already reached level 200 or
above, and just 57 characters level 300 or above. Currently, there are
merely 3 characters in Tibia that are already above level 400.
Which vocation does a typical Tibia player favour? There are about 1.6
million knights in Tibia, of which only about 83,000 are promoted. 1.2
million characters are sorcerers, of which 68,000 are master sorcerers.
There are approximately 1.1 million paladins, of which about 60,000 are
royal paladins, and only about 1 million druids, of which 75,000 are elder
druids. So knights seem to be the most popular vocation, however, all
vocations are represented pretty evenly.
Another interesting number is the average skill development of the
different vocations:
For druids and sorcerers mainly the magic skill is important. As you can
see in the chart, the average magic level development of sorcerers and
druids is pretty equal. Druids seem to develop their magic level a bit
faster than sorcerers, which might be explained by their gaming style. The
average shielding skill of sorcerers and druids develops pretty much the
same way. Believing this chart, we can say that on average, a level 100
sorcerer has a magic level of 65, and a level 100 druid, a magic level of
For paladins, pretty much all skills play a role, so you can see the
average skill development of all skills for paladins in the next chart. A
paladin's average magic level hardly passes the level 20 line. This does
not mean that there are no paladins with a higher magic level. There are
of course peak values and many paladins with values below the average
magic level. On average though, even a high level paladin will not have a
much higher magic level. The shielding of paladins develops a bit better
than that of mages. Since paladins are distance fighters, that is of
course the skill that they develop the best. On average, a level 100
paladin has a distance skill of 93, a magic level of 19, and a weapon
skill between 30 and 33.
For knights, as melee fighters, the shielding skill and the weapon skills,
such as axe fighting, club fighting and sword fighting are important. As
you can see in the chart, all three weapon skills and shielding pretty
much develop with the same speed. On average, a level 100 knight has a
magic level of 6, a shielding skill of 83, and a weapon skill of 88.
Where do all these brave warriors and adventurers live? What is the
population of the Tibian cities?
Approximately 1.7 million characters do not even have a vocation yet, so
practically speaking, those would be the inhabitants of Rookgaard. Thais
is the most popular city with about 1.8 million inhabitants. Carlin has
1.4 million inhabitants. Only about 150,000 characters stay in Kazordoon,
making this the least popular city that is in a free account area. Seems
like not everybody gets along well with these grumpy dwarfs.
Darashia is the most popular city in a premium area, with about 67,000
inhabitants, closely followed by Edron, with about 56,000 inhabitants.
19,000 Tibians have already moved to the youngest city in Tibia, Yalahar,
and merely about 4,000 adventurers favour the cold and rough climate of
CityInhabitants Thais 1,758,998 Rookgaard 1,698,125 Carlin 1,359,321
Venore 1,032,443 Ab'Dendriel 319,129 Kazordoon 150,941 Darashia 67,182
Edron 56,473 Ankrahmun 34,392 Liberty Bay 21,731 Yalahar 18,964 Port Hope
16,177 Svargrond 4,299
Missing in this chart are all gamemaster characters, as well as the
characters of CipSoft members. They usually reside in the Isle of
Solitude, the gamemaster island. This census was taken in the mid of May.
Since moving to a different city in Tibia is nothing compared to moving
house in real life, these numbers vary every day, but not greatly.
Player Deaths
Many adventurers face death in many fights on a daily basis. They either
fight against other players, or monsters. Looking at the statistics, the
risk of dying by the hands of another Tibia player is higher than the risk
of being killed by a monster. Taking the week from May 9th to May 16th,
for example, 211,916 Tibia characters were killed by other Tibia players,
while only 161,763 characters were killed by monsters. 18,529 characters
died from element forces, such as fire or poison fields, that no other
player can be accounted for.
The most dangerous monster in Tibia seems to be the rat. Rats were
responsible for 9,998 character deaths during that one week. However,
Tibians usually revenge their deaths. They have killed 11,029,979 rats in
this one week, which means that for every character that had to die
because of a rat, 1,103 rats had to give their lives. The most killed
monster by Tibians is the rotworm, however. 37,718,016 of them were slain
during just one week. No wonder they try to hide underground.
Seeing that PvP causes more deaths than the fight against monsters, it is
no surprise that the most banishments imposed on players are for
unjustified player killing. The second top reason for banishments is using
unofficial software to play. These top two banishment reasons already make
up more than 50 % of all banishments in Tibia.
Typical Tibia player
After having read all these numbers, we can try to describe the typical
Tibia player: He's most likely male, about 20 years old, comes probably
from Brazil or Poland, plays a male character that is roughly speaking
around level 20. The chances that his character is a knight are higher
than him being a druid, however, the number of knights, druids, sorcerers
and paladins is pretty even, so he could really have any vocation. His
skills as a knight would be roughly about 46 in shielding and about 50 in
his weapon skill, no matter if he uses axes, clubs or swords. If he is a
mage, his magic level would be around 20. As a paladin, he would have a
distance skill of about 52, a magic level of 8, and his melee weapon skill
would be around 22.
Since there are far more free accounts than premium accounts, our typical
Tibia player is probably a free account player. His 2-3 characters most
likely reside either in Thais or Carlin. He has probably died in PvP
before, maybe he even fell victim to a rat in his early days. If he has
done so, he surely took revenge and helped free some cities of rat
Does this describe you? Are you the typical Tibia Player? Let us know if
this description that was created only from statistical numbers meets you,
or if you, which is more likely, are completely different...
We hope you enjoyed this short insight into our database!